How Do I Use My GTN Spray?

The GTN spray is predominantly for chest pain that is due to insufficient blood to the heart muscle because of coronary artery disease (link).  Some patients have shortness of breath more than chest pain and may be instructed to consider their shortness of breath in the same way.

Take a safe position sitting or lying down as the spray might drop your blood pressure.

Take the white cap off the bottle and shake it before use.

Make one spray away from you to ensure that the nozzle is spraying freely.

Open your mouth and lift your tongue to the roof of your moth.

Spray once under your tongue and close your mouth.

Do not swallow the spray as it is rapidly absorbed through the gums, but deactivated by the liver if swallowed.

Repeat after 5 minutes if incomplete relief

Repeat again after 5 minutes if incomplete relief.

Call an ambulance if the symptoms persist after the third spray.

Continue to use the spray every 5 minutes until the Ambulance arrives.


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